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testing and analysis papers for laboratories

laboratory analysis & LIP testing paper

Purity and simplicity come together for excellence in analysis and testing with our range of tesorb papers. Produced using deionized water, our papers guarantee exceptional purity, maintaining the integrity of samples from start to finish. 

Our comprehensive range of high-purity papers are meticulously designed for analysis and testing across various industries including industrial labs, medical testing, and soil testing. Our commitment lies in providing you with unparalleled quality and purity, ensuring accurate and reliable results every time. In our tesorb range, you will find papers with different porosity and water absorbency characteristics for various end uses. Let's find the perfect solution for your needs! 

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our produts are diverse and versatile

they can be used for several end uses - let's find your perfect paper today!

  • analysis papers

    analayis papers

    Chemically clean and free from any dirt or residues that could compromise your results, our specialty paper guarantees flawless performance in your tests and analyses.

  • laboratory papers

    filter papers

    Laboratory filter paper contributes to the accuracy and reliability of laboratory filtration processes. Tesorb filtration papers have a stable quality and are produced according to strict technical specifications.

  • soil testing paper

    soil analysis papers

    Tesorb paper is used in soil analysis, providing valuable information about the quality, health, and composition of the soil. Our papers support agriculture laboratories and other users to identify important soil properties.

  • rapid test stripes paper

    rapid test strips

    Designed with the highest-quality low-ash cotton linters, Tesorb papers contribute to the reliability of diagnostic information and the identification of ingredients and compounds. Our versatile range can be used for home and self-diagnosis strips, at hospitals, doctor’s offices and health centers.

  • asthma inhaler paper

    asthma inhaler papers

    Filter papers play an essential role in asthma inhalers, helping to maintain the respiratory health of individuals. Made from the purest and cleanest raw materials and deionized water, our high-purity Tesorb filter papers guarantee the functionality and cleanliness of inhalers.

  • pulp and paper laboratories paper

    pulp and paper laboratories

    Tesorb papers are widely used as blotting papers in pulp and paper laboratories. Their porous structure efficiently absorbs excess water from sample sheets, allowing rapid water absorption. The thickness of the paper provides crucial mechanical support to prevent tearing and wrinkling of sample sheets.

made in Europe

Our tesorb papers are manufactured in Tervakoski, Finland. The Tervakoski paper mill has over 200 years of experience in manufacturing specialty papers.

Our analysis and filtration paper is made of carefully selected high-quality raw materials guaranteeing an ultra-pure paper.

filter and analysis papers made in finland

high purity and quality guaranteed

Chemically clean and free from any dirt or residues that could compromise your results, our specialty paper guarantees flawless performance in tests and analyses.

  • extremely pure paper from clear raw materials
  • no sizing agents or added chemicals, chemically clean
  • only deionized water is used
  • available in sheets, rounds, bobbins and reels. 

Discover our Tesorb Product range

We are specialists in producing laboratory analysis papers for rapid testing and LIP (low ignition propensity) testing papers for smoke laboratories. 

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