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see you at InterTabac from September 19th - September 21st in Dortmund Germany

Candy Paper & Twisting Papers

For perfection in functionality and sustainability, our thintwist® range for candy paper is the solution. Our lightweight base and barriers are a sweet solution for wrapping candies, lozenges, chocolates and bonbons.

Candy Paper & Twisting Papers

Here comes twisting paper designed to perfectly meet the needs of your customers. Our high-performing base and barrier papers are the perfect fit for confectionary and bread wrapping. With a range of base papers to choose from, we work with you to find the best product for your needs. 

Our base papers have been developed and engineered to maximize performance. Created with the principle of less is more, our lightweight base papers require less coating materials which means companies can reduce waste while saving on costs.


  • Reduced wax costs due to lower wax consumption
  • Highly opaque after waxing
  • Perfect for sharp and colorful prints
  • Excellent when it comes to twisting and folding
  • Save yield using this low grammage paper
  • Perfect runnability on converting machines


  • Ranging from 35 to 45 g/m²
  • Outstanding strength of paper
  • Excellent haptic properties


  • Base paper for waxing
  • Confectionary wrappers
  • Bread wrapping


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