delfort joins 4evergree, further committing to developing recyclable packaging. Alongside R&D partner delsci, delfort has an unwavering dedication to promoting sustainability, circularity and eco-conscious practices in the packaging industry. As a member of 4evergreen, we join more than 100 companies in advancing the sustainability and circularity of the fibre-based packaging industry with recyclable solutions.
As a leading expert in sustainable lightweight packaging solutions that are designed for easy recycling, we actively contribute to the alliance's goal of achieving a 90% recycling rate for fiber-based packaging by 2030.

delfort joins 4evergreen
We have a shared vision with 4evergreen, to perfect the recyclability and circularity of fibre-based packaging. As active members, we are dedicated to bringing more recyclable packaging solutions to the market. Together with our R&D partner delsci we drive innovation and design cutting-edge recyclable barrier papers.
contributing to 4evergreen’s recycling goal
In our quest to support a circular economy, we are constantly evolving sustainable barrier papers that are ultra-light, made from renewable resources and recyclable.
“Recyclability is embedded in our design guidelines and therefore a key requirement for all our developments of sustainable barrier papers. For that reason, we established our own in-house recycling laboratory more than 1 year ago. Our participation in 4evergreen will bring our research around recyclability to the next level.” – Johannes Zipfel, Managing Director at delsci
committed to environmental responsibility and quality products
delfort will continue to be a trusted partner for businesses committed to environmentally responsible packaging solutions. Together with 4evergreen and our partners in the alliance, we are committed to driving positive change in the packaging industry.
about 4evergreen
4evergreen is a global alliance comprising over 100 manufacturers, designers, brand owners, researchers, and recyclers, united by a common mission: to contribute to a climate-neutral society by perfecting the circularity and sustainability of fiber-based packaging. In the quest for a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future, the 4evergreen alliance has set an ambitious goal: to achieve a 90% recycling rate for fiber-based packaging by the year 2030.
Let's talk
With our specialized expertise and deep knowledge in designing lightweight paper packaging, we're not just your partners we're your catalysts for change, your collaborators in innovation.